Playing Catch Up! Spring Break, Documented Life, et al...

Documented Life Week 10
The Documented Life, Week 10 Challenge "What Makes Me Me?"
I've been a little slow getting back into the swing of things after returning from An Artful Journey March 3. I think I was just so exhausted! The girls and I have been on Spring Break this week and I had all intentions of photographing the books I made at AAJ to share with you, but you know what they say about good intentions! We've had a good week though.

We kicked off Spring Break with a combined arts festival/camping trip, our first official trip with our new camper we bought over the holidays. The arts festival was a bit of a bust (lovely little park, but no shoppers), but our campground was awesome! We went to Chassahowitzka River Campground. I packed up my booth end of the day Saturday so I could have a little more time with the family at the campground Saturday night and Sunday.

Monday, we went to the movies to see the Lego Movie, pretty cute with good lessons for both the kids and the adults (seriously, never crazy glue your lego pieces together!). Tuesday we were lazy, but Wednesday, we went ice skating with a friend who's determined to go ice skating once a year. We were pretty successful...first ice skating trip for the girls and first for me in about 20 years. The girls fell quite a bit, but they had a great time and eventually got the hang of it. Thankfully, I managed to stay up right the entire time! Thursday we took care of getting the tires changed on the van, ran some errands, and made a new dog bed for Isabelle (I may not have taken any photographs, but I have been productive!).

Today we got caught up on our Documented Life project. Sharing my Week 10 here, which I just snapped a picture of with my phone. This weekend, I'll make time to photograph mine and the girls Weeks 9-12 and my books from An Artful Journey. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  

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