Tuesday Treasury Shout Out: Teclur

9-6-10 kellywarrenphotoart

I need to catch up on my Tuesday Treasury Shout Outs! Thanks so much to Teclur for featuring my Old Hank. There's a cool new treasury generator for posting treasuries on blogs and having all the photos link directly to the items, but I've yet to get it to work for me, so it's still screen shots for now! Visit this treasury here for clickable links to all the items featured. Thanks again Teclur! Very cooling clothing in your shop!

1 comment:

Lis said...

Hey there! I needed to catch up on your world ... and in the process my daughter went wild pointing to your bead pieces ("ooo ... i like THAT one") and asking about the signs, shouting "a rainbow!" ... guess i need to get her a blogger account so she can be an official follower :)

you got me thinking as i perused your images of how fun to stage a mother/daughter workshop with crafts, photography, story telling ... and of course bonfires and s'mores. i love seeing your girls with cameras in hand capturing their world.

And how come i always forget how busy September is? Kindergarten is a whole new game ... lots more work for mommy keeping track of backpack, folder and papers - we need an office assistant! I don't know how you do all you do with 2 girls!

xo Lis